What type of work are you looking for?

At Parlyaree Press, we seek books that exists in the in-between, work that doesn’t seem to fit a particular genre, words that excite and mystify. Give us your questions and/or your answers. Give us a new way of looking at the world. Novels, short stories, poetry, essays…. Surprise us with what your language can do.

Is there anything you won’t publish?

Leave your hate at the bottom of a volcano. We will not publish any work that derides any group of people. Except Nazis, fascists, and villains. They’re fair game.
We do ask, however, if your work contains ideas or references to things which may be triggering, harsh, or upsetting, that there be a reason for its inclusion. You should have something real and insightful to say about the subject. Shock value for the sake of shock value is simply schlock.

Do you pay advances to authors?

We’re a fledgling press, just hatching out, shaking our pages at the skies. Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to offer advances to our authors. We do, however, offer generous royalties to our writers!

Do I need an agent to submit?

Not at all! Agents are wonderful people, we’re sure, but we want to create symbiotic, one-on-one relationships with our writers. We’re more concerned with your style and content than who represents you.

What should my query letter contain?

When you’re ready to query Parlyaree, you should put your best words forward. Let us know why you’re interested in our press, what your book is about, and who you are. Then, in the body of the email (not as an attachment) send us the first 10 pages of your manuscript or your favorite poems. Pretty simple, huh? It should be. You’ve already done the hard part.

How long should I wait before I follow up?

Our current reading time is 4 to 6 weeks upon receipt. Unfortunately, due to the volume of submissions, we are unable to offer individualized critique to everyone. We do, however, strive to give everyone a yes or no. If 6 weeks have passed and you’re feeling ghosted, feel free to send a follow up message to aree [at] parlyaree [dot] com.